Thursday, April 3, 2008

Our First Month

Ben now knows what presents are and will quickly shred into them!
Thank you to so many of you generous people that have brightened his days!

We take turns sleeping in the bed next to Ben for now. Last night Daddy fell asleep before Ben. He is sleeping very well and does not reach for our very hands often like he used to.
It's great to look back over our first month. What an experience!! I really enjoyed our days together in China and hope to return when Ben is older. It's been fun to see Ben at home here in PA. The first time we drove through farm smells Ben started fussing in the back seat! Ben continues to discover new things. This week he kept finding things over his head: signs in stores, birds flying and various lights in the house. This week he said "Thank you" for the first time. (that was REALLY nice because it was a day he was whining a lot!)

1 comment:

Linda said...

This is a nice blog. I had meant to follow along once you announced your travel dates on the Suzhou Yahoo Group, but I didn't manage to keep up so well! I am enjoying reading through it today, however, and I did enjoy seeing a few familiar sites. I doubt my girls were at the Suzhou SWI at the same time as Ben, and from the pictures you took of the inside, there have definitely been some changes. I wish you well on your transition time!