Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Bennett now sleeps with his Thomas pillow. He's growing up so fast! Ben will often relax with his hands behind his head like a little man. Sometimes he will cross his feet, too. It's hard not to laugh! Over all, he is now more relaxed and willing to snuggle. Mommy's happy about that!

Another thing Ben has begun to do is focus on books. He didn't have time to look at the pages when he first came home. Now he'll bring you a book and even listen to some of the story.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

1,000 New Things

I thought Ben might argue about wearing the helmet, but he didn't complain. One of the 1,000 new experiences this Spring!!

Newest addition to the back yard is a sand box. Guests invited!

Another bike ride with daddy!
Ben is adding a few words to his list - Mommy, nie nie (night, night). He now says "No" to almost everything. I have been saying, "Yes, yes!" different times which he said one time, when I offered him an orange, one his favorite foods.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Moving Ahead

Ben is part of a class designed to help two-year-olds grasp language concepts. This fast moving hour is a new setting for him. He surprised daddy this week by saying doggie and bicycle.
Teacher Robin is very skilled in keeping little student's attention.
(well, they follow most of the time!)

Enjoying the spring weather with friend Olivia.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Our First Month

Ben now knows what presents are and will quickly shred into them!
Thank you to so many of you generous people that have brightened his days!

We take turns sleeping in the bed next to Ben for now. Last night Daddy fell asleep before Ben. He is sleeping very well and does not reach for our very hands often like he used to.
It's great to look back over our first month. What an experience!! I really enjoyed our days together in China and hope to return when Ben is older. It's been fun to see Ben at home here in PA. The first time we drove through farm smells Ben started fussing in the back seat! Ben continues to discover new things. This week he kept finding things over his head: signs in stores, birds flying and various lights in the house. This week he said "Thank you" for the first time. (that was REALLY nice because it was a day he was whining a lot!)