Thursday, March 6, 2008

Life In Nanjing

Our group enjoyed a dinner together Thursday. All of us liked the food. (no squid included)
All of the children have cleft lip/palate.

Mama's smiling because we survived our formal dinner pretty well.
Ben ate his way through the afternoon. I was surprised he ate a bowl of noodles, too.
I have not found a rice dish he want's to eat yet!

More play time in our room. Ben complains when we come back after being somewhere else.

Get ready little PA friends, Ben is ready for action!


michellefrombuffalony said...

congratulations brad and sarah .

G. Martin said...

Brad and Sarah,
We are so happy for you guys. Bennett is so cute:) He is fortunate to have you guys as his parents. We are looking forward to meeting him in PA. Jay is disappointed that you missed out on the squid and other delicacies:)
Have a great rest of your time in China and a good trip home.
Love and Prayers,
Jay and Gloria and family