Tuesday, July 22, 2008


It's fairly easy to get Bennett to smile! So, when it came to picture taking time, I wasn't too worried about the out come. But it was fun to see how nice the photos look in his traditional Chinese outfit!
Where ever we go: grocery store, Post office, Social Security Office, through our neighborhood, it's interesting how many smiles Bennett gathers! And it's mainly because he hands out smiles and little waves so freely. Hey - it costs nothing to smile! Let's ALL learn from him.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Great day!

We had a great day - Dutch Wonderland sandwiched around a visit to the Cleft Palate Clinic in Lancaster. Bennett did better than we expected with all the attention. The team of several different specialists were wonderful. We will get a final report after the team meets but we got a lot of positive feedback. His cleft lip surgery, done at 6 months of age in China, was good quality care. Different individuals commented about how beautifully done his surgery was. I have to admit, I didn't think about it before how nice his lip really does look. I keep seeing the scar on his upper lip. He will need a bit more surgery at around age 6 and 16. He passed the hearing test in flying colors and the speech therapist is pleased with his progress. We will have at least annual visits to the clinic to stay abreast with Ben's growth and needs through the years. (Ben did not have a cleft palate.) We are so blessed to have this incredible resource in our back yard!

We really did have some family fun at the park! Ben made the choice to go on the merry-go-round and loved it!

A big slide for a big boy and a little boy.

This is the first ride Ben made up his mind that he could go on by himself. He passed it up once but went on the second time around.

What's that song about the watercolor ponies riding away? Bennett really is growing up! It makes me want to hang on to his cute toddler ways!

Friday, July 4, 2008

WOW! 4 months already!

Four months ago, on March 4 in Nanjing, China, we met Bennett on Gotcha Day.

Four months later, we can't image life without our boy! He is so special and sweet.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Flowers, too!

For all Ben's chatter about Cho Chos and trucks, he does love to water flowers. I suspect it has more to do with the water than the flowers, but we do enjoy keeping the beds looking nice.

New stuff for Mom

Our little guy looks even smaller!
Having no brothers, all this stuff about tractors, motors, trains, etc, has been a learning experience for me. I did enjoy our trip into Burkholder's Quarry where we got to see some very big wheels! I get tired of it before Bennett does, though.